$(document).ready(function () { $('#login').click(function () { var username = $("#uname").val(); var password = $("#pass").val(); var token = $("#token").val(); var dataString = 'uname=' + username + '&pwd=' + password + '&token=' +token; if ($.trim(username).length > 0 && $.trim(password).length > 0) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/login/auth", data: dataString, cache: false, beforeSend: function () { $("#status").html('

Conectando ao servidor principal...

'); }, complete: function (e, xhr, settings) { if (e.status === 200) { $("#status").html("Logado e seguro: Redirecionando para página "); // TRIGGER SETELAH SUKSES NANTI DISINI, BISA BERUPA DIRECT KE DASHBOARD setTimeout(function () { window.location.href = "/dashboard"; // The URL that will be redirected too. }, 3000); } else { //Shake animation effect. $('form').shake(); $("#status").html("Erro: Usuário ou senha inválidos. "); } } }); } return false; }); $('input').iCheck({ checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_square-blue', radioClass: 'iradio_square-blue', increaseArea: '20%' // optional }); });